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Cut Out Contaminants with the HANS™ Premium Water System

Water is clear, yet it hides so many things from us.

A visual inspection of most tap water yields nothing to talk about — it just looks like crystal-clear water. Unfortunately, what the eye can’t see is a whole host of potential contaminants. These contaminants can come from a variety of sources, including disinfection products, industrial runoff and even radioactive chemicals. And just to compound the possible issues your water could face, it’s not uncommon to run into foul odors, acid or hard minerals. But, when you have the HANS™ Premium Water System, you can quickly and easily eliminate 99.9% of the harmful chemicals and additives in your home’s water supply. Let’s dive in and take a deeper look at one of EcoWater’s best and most reliable offerings.

So Many Contaminants, One Ideal Solution

In just about any home that relies on well water or municipal water — one that hasn’t installed a water filtration system of some kind — there are a number of chemicals and contaminants that could find their way into your drinking water. These include:

  • Lead
  • Hexavalent chromium
  • Nitrate & Nitrite
  • Arsenic
  • Fluoride
  • Iron
  • Chloroform 

Take Action

The HANS Premium Water System can take the water that comes into your home and completely transform it, making it virtually contaminant free — a feat no other point-of-entry water device with a similar footprint can claim.

Not only can it clear your water of a variety of common contaminants, like chlorine and hard-water minerals, it also filters out a host of manmade contaminants, such as hexavalent chromiumPFOSPFOA and more.

How does it work? With a smart, four-stage design.

The whole idea behind water filtration is to remove unwanted small particles, or contaminants, from your water. These particles include sediment, chlorine, manganese and iron. There are even certain gasses that are considered water contaminants, like hydrogen sulfide. The HANS Premium Water System uses a four-stage filtration process to get rid of 99.9% of these small particles. It leaves your water remarkably clean — far more than required by federal requirements and most state and local health guidelines.

Stage 1 Filter

n the first stage, this innovative system removes dirt, debris and sand. The highly dependable filter can last up to one year or 100,000 gallons. This is where the majority of the sediment is removed. 

Stage 2 Filter

Stage two is another filtering stage, this time working to remove a variety of chemical contaminants such as chlorine and sulfur. This process is what leads to water with no foul odors and a crisp, clean taste.

Stage 3 Membranes

The third stage uses smartly designed membranes to radically reduce the remaining contaminants to nearly nonexistent levels.

Stage 4 Mineralization

In stage 4, the HANS Premium Water System introduces miniscule amounts of calcite to the water it has filtered. This step creates a balanced pH level in your drinking water, and it helps create the ideal taste.

Monitor your water with ease

Another huge benefit of the HANS Premium Water System is how simple it is to monitor the filtering process, as well as keep tabs on the individual filters and membranes to be sure they’re performing as they should. Plus, you can do it from the physical system itself or through an interactive mobile app. On the actual system, there’s an intuitive touch screen that can tell you anything you need to know about the condition of your water, as well as any service requirements that may be necessary.

And, on your tablet or smartphone, you can use the HANS mobile app to check on the system wherever you are. Want insight into the amount of water used in your home? Sure thing! Want to check on the status of your filters? You can do that too! The HANS app can even let you know how much longer your membrane should last, making it easy for you to plan for some general maintenance. Lastly, but most importantly, you can set service alerts, to ensure your top-of-the-line system is always operating at its best. 

A toast to your family’s health and safety

If you’re in the market for a way to make your water safer and taste better, you should strongly consider the HANS™ Premium Water System. This state-of-the-art system will rid your water of nearly every common contaminant, minimizing health risks and improving water’s odor and taste. And with a nearly unheard-of 20-year warranty, you know you have a system you can trust with your family’s health. If you’d like to know more, visit here, or you can simply give EcoWater a call at 760-754-1960, and one of our friendly staff will be happy to tell you all about the HANS Premium Water System.

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